Event Calendar
Check out upcoming events organized by the Arizona Outlaws.
And don't forget the monthly Outlaws get together for coffee and comaraderie at Panera in Scottsdale on the first Sunday morning of each month.
Upcoming Outlaw Events
The next Outlaw’s meetup will be February 2, 2025 at our normal meeting spot.
It is a good time to
Drive that 356!
Check out our collection of Arizona Outlaws Goodies...
The Arizona Outlaws maintains a budget primarily from a small margin on goodies and events.
It is how we maintain the club without the need for membership dues.
Help show your support for the club.
Ordering is easy, email [email protected] with your request. You will be sent an invoice with a secure link to enter your credit card number and shipping information. Upon receipt of payment, your item will be sent via USPS Priority Mail. Shipping cost is $9, order several items and save on shipping!
Arizona Outlaws T-Shirts
A new run of club shirts are being offered to Outlaws for $20 each. These shirts are high quality Gildan brand and have the new Outlaws logo printed large on the back and small across the front left breast. They are available in Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, and XX-Large, and come in Navy color.

Arizona Outlaws Hats
The Arizona Outlaws hats are new and have the cowboy image of the Arizona Outlaws logo embroidered on a high quality tan hat with black trim. The hats are offered at $20 each.

Arizona Outlaws Grille Badge
The Arizona Outlaws have a very limited number of Arizona Outlaws Grille Badges available. These are high quality cloisonne badges and have the mounting hardware included. The badges are offered at $45 each.
Currently Out of Stock

Arizona Outlaws Logo Stickers
Arizona Outlaws logo stickers are die-cut 3 inch diameter round vinyl stickers with a subtle adhesive on the back side of the sticker. These logo stickers are offered at three stickers for $5 (plus $1 shipping).

Arizona Outlaws Logo Lap Blanket
Arizona Outlaws lap blankets are ideal for travelling when the weather turns cold. Branded with the Outlaws logo, the blanket rolls up and is secured by a sturdy flap. The blanket is polyester fleece and 52 inches by 48 inches. These lap blankets are offered at $20.

Arizona Outlaws Bronze Grille Badge
Artist Jeff Gamble has cast a new batch of this iconic Outlaws grille badge. You can read about the history of this badge and the Arizona Outlaws logo, Arizona Outlaws Grille Badge – A Retrospective. Jeff is offering the badges at a special Outlaw price of $200 each which includes shipping. To order this badge, please email Jeff directly at [email protected].

Since 1993
Arizona Outlaws 356 Club
The Arizona Outlaws 356 Club is dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of the Porsche 356 and to the fellowship of 356 enthusiasts. Arizona has some of the best scenic and twisty back road drives for 356ers, combined with a great year round climate. Our mission is to enjoy all aspects of the Porsche 356, the people who love to drive them, and the comaraderie of that group during drives and events.

Outlaws Touring Events
The Arizona Outlaws organize two three day driving trips each year; the Bulldog Kliffs Rennen in April and the Javelina 100 Tour in October. We are looking for volunteers to help plan future events. It is easy, fun, and a great way to make new 356 friends. If you are interested please contact Bob Mulica at [email protected].
Who can fix my 356?
This list is composed from recommendations by individual Arizona Outlaws, and is not in any way an Arizona Outlaws 356 Club endorsement. It is intended as a starting point for finding a qualified shop to service your 356. Please do your own diligence.