The Outlaws have created driving events with our Zia friends from New Mexico before, such as the East Meets West event. But for this event we looked to the Rocky Mountain club for a three way event. The destination was Durango, CO, with day trips to Telluride and Silverton.
The event was planned by Zias Gary and Julia Wolf and they came through in a big way. Twenty cars drove from Denver, five cars from NM, and ten Outlaws from the Phoenix/Tucson area. Needless to say the hotel parking lot was quite a sight with 37 beautiful 356’s parked for the Thursday night wind down party. Thanks also to Outlaw Roy Pederson for leading the Phoenix/Tucson group with an overnight stop at the amazing La Posada hotel in Winslow.
Friday morning we awoke to a drizzle of rain in Durango. The plan was to follow the Delores river up and over Lizard Head pass to Telluride for lunch. The morning was a flurry of Rain-X applications and off we went. The weather held with a few good downpours but cleared enough for some amazing views of the mountains.
When we arrived in Telluride, the town Marshall gave us permission to park all of the cars down the center lane of Main Street. It was quite a sight and provided some great photo ops for the locals and tourists in town.
Saturday the weather cleared and we had the most beautiful diving conditions from Durango to Silverton. We passed the old steam locomotive headed to Silverton on the way up. The clear weather was welcomed and provided the opportunity for some wet carpets to dry out. After lunch in town some continued on to Ouray and some returned to Durango.
Saturday evening we were invited to a BBQ at the home of Chris Vivolo. Chris is a Porsche enthusiast and provided a field behind his home for all participants to park Concours style. Outlaw Len Erie manned the BBQ grill with Zia Tammy Dorwart providing cheese and burger final assembly. It was a great way to cap off a great Porsche 356 weekend.
A big thank you to Gary and Julia Wolf, and Ron Diederichsen and others who contributed for planning such a great driving experience.
Scott Evans